Section IIA | Section IIB

The information listed below reflects Sections IIA-IIB in the 2025 E5 Weighted Airman Promotion System Catalog.

If there are no references listed for your AFPT/AFSC/RI/SDI, please contact your local WAPS monitor.

If you have other questions or concerns about the information and/or materials listed on this page, please contact AETC A9 SAS Airman Advancement at afoms.tea@us.af.mil.


Index of SKTs for Promotion to SSgt. To see the list of references required for an AFS, click on the title.

Click any column header to sort table data.
AFPTRev #AFPT TitleNotes: Refer to Part 3 section II for note details
1A152 Mobility Force Aviator Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
1A153 Special Mission Aviator Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
1A154 Multi-domain Operations Aviator Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
1A158 Executive Mission Aviator Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
1A851 Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
1A852 Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operator JourneymanPFE only
1B451 Cyber Warfare Operations JourneymanPFE only
1C05275Aviation Resource Management Journeyman 
1C15175Air Traffic Control Journeyman 
1C351 Command and Control Operations JourneymanPFE only
1C55175Battle Management Operations Journeyman (Includes D Shred) 
1C651 Space Systems Operations Journeyman (Transferred to USSF and USAFR)PFE only
1C75175Airfield Management Journeyman 
1C85375Radar, Airfield, & Weather Systems (RAWS) Journeyman 
1D751 Cyber Defense Operations Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
1D752 Spectrum Defense Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
1D753 Cable and Antenna Defense Operations Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
1H05175Aerospace Physiology Journeyman 
1N051 All Source Intelligence Analyst JourneymanPFE only
1N151 Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
1N251 Signals Intelligence Journeyman (Includes A and C shreds)PFE only
1N351 Cryptologic Language Analyst Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
1N451 Cyber Intelligence Analyst Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
1N452 Cryptologic Analyst & Reporter JourneymanPFE only
1N751 Human Intelligence Specialist JourneymanPFE only
1N851 Targeting Analyst JourneymanPFE only
1P051A75Aircrew Flight Equipment Journeyman (Ejection Aircraft) 
1P051B75Aircrew Flight Equipment Journeyman (Non-Ejection Aircraft) 
1S05175Safety JourneymanPFE only
1T05175Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) Journeyman 
1U151 Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Pilot Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
1W05175Weather Journeyman 
1Z15175Pararescue Journeyman 
1Z25175Combat Control Journeyman 
1Z35175Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Journeyman 
1Z45175Special Reconnaissance Journeyman 
2A05175Avionics Test Station, Components, and Electronic Warfare Systems Journeyman 
2A251 Electronic, Environmental and Avionics Journeyman (MHU-139)PFE only
2A35375Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Journeyman (Includes all shreds) 
2A35475Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics Journeyman (Includes all shreds) 
2A35575Advanced Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics Journeyman (Includes all shreds) 
2A35775Tactical Aircraft Maintenance (5th Generation) Journeyman (Includes A and B shreds) 
2A551 Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
2A55275Helicopter/Tiltrotor Aircraft Maintenance Journeyman (Includes all shreds) 
2A55475Refuel/Bomber Aircraft Maintenance Journeyman (Includes all shreds) 
2A651C75Aerospace Propulsion (TF33, CF6, F103, F108, F117, TFE-731, TF39, PW 2040, F138 Jet Engines (Airlift, Special Mission, and B-52 aircraft)) 
2A651F75Aerospace Propulsion Journeyman (F100, F101, F110, F118, F119, F135, TF34 Jet Engines (A-10, B-1, B-2, F-15, F-16, F-22, F-35, U-2 aircraft)) 
2A651H75Aerospace Propulsion Journeyman T700, T108 and T56 Turboprop and Turboshaft Engines (HH-60, MC-12, and C-130) 
2A65275Aerospace Ground Equipment Journeyman 
2A65375Aircrew Egress Systems Journeyman 
2A65475Aircraft Fuel Systems Journeyman 
2A65575Aircraft Hydraulic Systems Journeyman 
2A65675Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Systems Journeyman 
2A75175Aircraft Metals Technology Journeyman 
2A75275Nondestructive Inspection Journeyman 
2A753 Aircraft Structural Maintenance JourneymanPFE only
2A95475Heavy Aircraft Integrated Avionics Journeyman (Includes B shred)PFE only
2A954A75C4ISR Mission Systems Journeyman (E-3, E-4, E-7, E-8, EC-130H, RC-135, VC-25)PFE only
2F05175Fuels Journeyman 
2G05175Logistics Plans Journeyman 
2M051 Missile and Space Systems Electronic Maintenance Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
2M05275Missile and Space Systems Maintenance Journeyman 
2M05375Missile and Space Facilities Journeyman 
2P05175Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory Journeyman 
2R251 Maintenance Management Production Journeyman (Previously 2R051 and 2R151)PFE only
2S05175Materiel Management Journeyman 
2T05175Traffic Management Operations Journeyman 
2T15175Ground Transportation Journeyman 
2T251 Air Transportation JourneymanPFE only
2T35175Mission Generation Vehicular Equipment Maintenance JourneymanPFE only
2T351A Mission Generation Vehicular Equipment Maintenance (Firefighting and Refueling Vehicle & Equipment) JourneymanPFE only
2T351C Mission Generation Vehicular Equipment Maintenance (Materiel Handling Equipment (MHE)/463L) JourneymanPFE only
2T35775Fleet Management and Analysis JourneymanPFE only
2W05175Munitions Systems Journeyman 
2W15175Aircraft Armament Systems Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
2W25175Nuclear Weapons Journeyman 
3E05175Electrical Systems Journeyman 
3E05275Electrical Power Production Journeyman 
3E15175Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Journeyman 
3E25175Pavements and Construction Equipment Journeyman 
3E35175Structural Journeyman 
3E45175Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance Journeyman (Includes the A Shred) 
3E45375Pest Management Journeyman 
3E55175Engineering Journeyman 
3E65175Operations Management Journeyman 
3E75175Fire Protection Journeyman 
3E85175Explosive Ordnance Disposal Journeyman 
3E95175Emergency Management Journeyman 
3F0X175Personnel Journeyman 
3F151 Services JourneymanPFE only
3F25175Education and Training JourneymanPFE only
3F351 Manpower Journeyman (Includes M shred)PFE only
3F45175Equal Opportunity JourneymanPFE only
3F551 Administration JourneymanPFE only
3G051 Talent Acquisition JourneymanPFE only
3H051 Historian JourneymanPFE only
3N05675Public Affairs Journeyman 
3N1/3N2/3N3 Regional/Premier Band Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
3P0X175Security Forces Journeyman (Includes A and B shreds) 
4A051 Health Services Management Journeyman (Includes S shred)PFE only
4A15175Medical Materiel Journeyman 
4A25175Biomedical Equipment Journeyman 
4B05175Bioenvironmental Engineering Journeyman 
4C05175Mental Health Service Journeyman 
4D05175Diet Therapy Journeyman 
4E05175Public Health Journeyman 
4H05175Respiratory Care Practitioner Journeyman 
4J052 Physical Medicine JourneymanPFE only
4J052A Physical Medicine (Orthotic) JourneymanPFE only
4N05175Aerospace Medical Service Journeyman (Includes all shreds) 
4N15175Surgical Technologist Journeyman (Includes all shreds) 
4P05175Pharmacy Journeyman 
4R051 Diagnostic Imaging Journeyman (Includes all shreds)PFE only
4T051 Medical Laboratory JourneymanPFE only
4T05275Histopathology Journeyman 
4V05175Ophthalmic Journeyman (Includes S shred) 
4Y05175Dental Assistant Journeyman (Includes H shred) 
4Y05275Dental Laboratory Journeyman 
5J051 Paralegal JourneymanPFE only
5R05175Religious Affairs Journeyman 
6C05175Contracting Journeyman 
6F051 Financial Management and Comptroller JourneymanPFE only
7S05175Special Investigations JourneymanPFE only
9S100 Scientific Applications Specialist JourneymanPFE only


Click any column header to sort table data.
RI/SDITesting to Grade / (*) All GradesIndex of Reporting Identifiers and Special Duty IdentifiersNOTES
8A200E5/6Enlisted AidePFE Only
8A300E5/6ProtocolPFE Only
8B000E6Military Training InstructorPFE Only
8B100E6Military Training LeaderPFE Only
8D100E5/6Language & Cultural AdvisorPFE Only
8G000E5/6Honor GuardPFE Only
8H000E6Airmen Dorm LeaderPFE Only
8K000E5/6Software Development SpecialistPFE Only
8P000E5/6CourierPFE Only
8P100E6Defense AttachePFE Only
8R000E6Enlisted Accessions RecruiterPFE Only
8R200E6Second-Tier RecruiterPFE Only
8S000E6Missile Facility ManagerPFE Only
8S200E5/E6Combat Crew CommunicationsNote 11
8T000E6Professional Military Education InstructorPFE Only
8T100E6Enlisted PME Instructional System DesignerPFE Only
8U000E5/6Unit Deployment ManagerPFE Only
9A000E5/6Enlisted AirmanPFE Only
9A300E5/6Enlisted AirmanPFE Only
9A500*Enlisted AirmanPFE Only
9E100E5/6Command Chief Executive AssistantNote 11
9F000E5/6First term Airmen Center NCOICPFE Only
9I000E5/6Futures AirmenNote 11
9L000E5/6Interpreter/TranslatorPFE Only
9M200E6International Health SpecialistsPFE Only
9P000E5/6PatientNote 11
9U000E5/6Enlisted Airman Ineligible for Local UtilizationPFE Only