The AETC Studies and Analysis Squadron (SAS) is the forefront of transforming Airmen development through innovative, data-driven insights that shape the future of the United States Air Force. Within SAS, the Airman Advancement Analytics Flight is key to this mission, developing over 240 enlisted electronic promotion exams and administering more than 125,000 tests annually. These exams form the backbone of the Weighted Airmen Promotion System (WAPS), directly impacting the career advancement of Airmen to critical ranks of E-5 (SSgt) and E-6 (TSgt). In addition, the flight produces the AF Handbook 1 and a suite of digital resources, providing comprehensive support for officers, enlisted personnel, and civilians on their paths to professional excellence. Through rigorous and responsive analytics, we equip every Airman with the tools to not only succeed but thrive in their military careers.